Saturday, June 14, 2008


Forum of Sri Lankans against Terrorism

Dear Friends;

As you all are aware LTTE has increased its attacks on civilians on daily basis. While brave Sri Lankan forces are getting close to Wanni LTTE is trying to misguide the world by detonating clamore mines in public places killing innocent civilians.

At this moment the duty of the patriotic Sri Lankans should be, to support our armed forces and force LTTE to stop these indiscriminate clamor attacks on civilians. We should also ask western countries to support democratically elected Sri Lankan government to fight LTTE terrorism.

In order to achieve these goals we have organized a joint protest in Toronto on June 21st 2008. Your presence with your family and friends are a valuable assert to our noble motive. Your motherland needs your help.

Date: Saturday, June 21st 2008

Time: 10.30 AM to 1.00 PM

Location: Young and Bloor Main intersection, Toronto

(Please try to use public transportation and please be on time)

If it is possible please bring national flags and a hand written poster using one of the following slogans.

  • Help Sri Lankan forces to liberate Tamil civilians from LTTE
  • We support Sri Lankan forces
  • Help to defeat Tamil Tiger terrorism in Sri Lanka
  • Ban LTTE propaganda in Canada
  • Defeat LTTE child killers
  • World should help Sri Lankan government to defeat LTTE terrorism

Please Join.

Thank you


Sri Lanka United National Association Canada

Janatha Vimukti Peramuna (Committee in Canada)

Tamil Democratic cultural Association Canada

National Patriotic Movement (Canada Branch)

Sri Lanka Freedom Party (Canada Branch)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

International Forum for Peace and Justice in Sri Lanka

Call of the Conscience
Exhibit of photographs and documentary films
Saturday, August 23, 2008
3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Roy Thomson Hall (North-South lobby)

August 08, 2008

Dear Proud SriLankans !

We would like to formally invite you and your family to the opening ceremony for Call of the Conscience, an exhibit in pictures, words and documentary films. Call of the Conscience is a landmark event that will walk you through the history of violence in Sri Lanka with six short documentary films and more than 500 historical and contemporary photographs—showing how all sides of the civil war have contributed to the suffering of ordinary Sri Lankans. Our objective is two-fold: to activate Canadians in the struggle for peace, human rights and dignity in Sri Lanka; and to facilitate a constructive dialogue among the rich and diverse Sri Lankan diaspora.

This exhibit is unique because it meticulously chronicles the historical suffering of all peoples in Sri Lanka, while calling for awareness and peace-building that unites the aspirations of Sinhalese, Muslims and Tamils. The exhibit will tour the United States, Europe, Australia, India and Sri Lanka, with the launch in Toronto because it is home to the largest Sri Lankan diaspora.

Representatives from all political parties, as well as internationally renowned human rights activists, journalists, intellectuals and community representatives from Canada and Sri Lanka, will be participating in the launch at Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto.

Please let us know if you are planning to participate in the event and feel free to contact us at anytime with any questions you might have.


Manoranjan Selliah
416 902-6477

The exhibit is open to the public
from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.